My 2015…
New Year’s resolution was to do something new (something I’ve never done before) every week as a way to combat routine and to ensure that I didn’t forget to live life while pursing my goals.
It’s easy to fall into a routine, especially in Los Angeles where people tend to stay in their neighborhoods and where 12 miles can be considered a long distance relationship. Insert eye-roll-emoji. But it’s true.
52 Weeks Later…
I accomplished my New Year’s resolution! Every week I had something to look forward to. Whether it was eating somewhere new, going to a new museum, or whatever it may be, I had a solid list of adventures and experiences that I may not have otherwise had.
Fast forward three years…
I have continued this tradition into 2018. My resolution has become a subtle part of my Instagram theme. I feature new adventures, food, places, etc under the hashtag #neverhaveiever. However, I don’t always share what my new experiences are on Instagram. Therefore, I wanted to create an online journal where they are recorded.
I hope to inspire those that have been following me and those future readers to try something new, to break out of your routine, and challenge yourself to do something you never thought you would.